This time of year can often feel chaotic and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! Remember to take a moment (or three) to yourself, breathe deeply, and ground yourself. Try some of these FREE simple practises which take only minutes.

I am definitely going to try them on the run up to Christmas. I have used them before and think they are great. Let me know how you find them. Add a comment so I know if you think they are any good.

Happy listening.

Love and light.


From Sacred Acoustics
Take a moment, get comfortable, and go within. Set the intention to let go of worries and concerns, instead feeling gratitude for anything that bring you joy.
Listen to your FREE 20 minute recording right now to relax and reduce stress. Here




From HeartMath Institute

Easily create a state of coherence in about 60 seconds by releasing stress and stopping draining emotions such as frustration, irritation, anxiety and anger.

The Quick Coherence®Technique for Adults Here



From Your Soul Family

Joy: get a boost to your day by finding the joy you hold within.

Audio of the Reflection on Joy (4 minutes) Here