Some people like to take their template and jump straight in with colouring.  Others like to consider the template and where the important people in their life should sit within it before they start to colour.  The choice of approach is yours.

If you decide to take the time to consider the layout of your soul map, the questions you might want to ask yourself are;

  • Who are the important people in my life?
  • Where would I place an individual on my soul map?
  • What are the relationships between individuals?
  • Do they have an important relationship with me?
  • Is a life lesson being learnt?
  • Who is helping with the life lesson?
  • Is there a natural grouping of individuals e.g. grandfather and grandson, cousins who always gather together at family functions? If so place them together in your soul map.

Often life lessons show themselves as repeated challenges.  For me my life lesson was about defining and maintaining my personal boundaries.  Before I realised this I had a series of very challenging managers, each getting progressively worse.  I really wondered what I had done to deserve them.  When I realised that they were helping me to learn a life lesson, I approached the situation differently and managed it much better.  My next two managers were wonderful so I must have gone someway to learning my lesson.

Do not be surprised if you keep moving people around your picture as you answer these questions.  You will find that your ‘inner you’ appreciates balance and symmetry.  As you place people in your soul map use that sense of appreciation and enjoyment to guide the design of your soul map.

The human brain remembers things in groups of three.  You may find that placement of people in groups of three, either by a special relationship or by colour, pleases your ‘inner you’.  So do not be surprised if some of this appears in your soul map.