Pride: is it good or bad?

Pride is the feeling you get of pleasure or satisfaction when you or someone you love has achieved something. It is perhaps that sense of pride when your child has had the courage to stand-up in front of the school and read a poem. You know how challenging that is to your child but they succeeded in doing it. I can see you clapping your hands with a big smile on your face.

With a positive connotation, pride is a sense of contentment or happiness towards your own life choices and actions or those of someone you are close to you. read more

Life is for living and enjoying: find your joy

All of us have someone or something that challenges us in our life. We came into a life to learn and these challenges are meant to stretch us and help us to learn. Life is full of ups and downs. But it is always important to remember life is a gift for living and enjoying.

Sometimes the stetch for a learning can feel excessive to the point where you can feel quite down. We have all been there, such as parental disapproval, a lover walking away, a job lost or a sick child. But the key question is;

How do you pick yourself up and get back into the flow of life and experiencing joy? read more

Rumi’s Reflections: Alison Wem’s Journal – Day 14

It’s your road and your road alone.

Others may walk it with you, but no

one can walk it for you.

Jalal al-Din Rumi

My life is my own – who I choose to be friends with, to love and how I want to just ‘be’ in this life of mine.

Of course there have been and will continue to be bumps on my road. But it is my choice how I react to and handle those bumps.

Some bumps I find harder than others, especially when I loose someone. But I am grateful for the time I have had with them and the chance to give and receive their love. read more

Have you been touched by one of the 3Ds: divorce, death, debt?

January is the prime time in the year for having to face one of the 3Ds – divorce, death and debt. After the extended festive period many couples realise their relationship has run its course. Or the cold weather takes a few people to the After Life. Or significant debt catches up with people who have over extended themselves and Christmas is the final straw that breaks the camels back.

Perhaps you have hit one of life’s 3 Ds – death, divorce/separation, debt. All of these are big life changing moments. You realise life will never be quite the same again. How do you handle such a moment and where do you find the strength to move forwards? read more

Happy wishing for your coming year

Now is the time between Christmas and the start of 2024 to reflect.

What did you experience in 2023 and what would you like to bring in for you and your loved ones for 2024?

Think about the things that went well for you in the last year. For me 2023 was a mixed year. I made some good progress as an author publishing my third book and continued to grow the number of people who seek my assistance with personal and spiritual growth.  My greatest delight was the arrival of my granddaughter. As the saying goes read more

Are you busy?: take a few moments to reflect

Today is expected to be a busy day at the shops as everyone gets those last items they need for Christmas. Or perhaps for some it is their first item!

In our affluent society of Christmas celebrations, present giving and receiving, Christmas trees and decorations – whether you are a Christian, Atheist, Druid, Muslim or any other faith, do you take time to reflect and express thanks for all in your life?

December is a good month to say ‘thank you’ to your loved ones for being in your life and for all they do with and for you. read more

Women: the secrets of surviving Christmas

The approach to Christmas can be a challenging time. Women are often the main organiser of school costumes for nativities, other social events, presents, and the food preparation for the day. Of course, this is on top of normal daily activities. It is not a wonder many women are tense over the pre-Christmas period.

Do you recognise the scenario?

Lovely as Christmas can be, it takes a lot of work to make it a success. Often all of those preparations are not recognised. Others may say

How hard can it be, its only one day! read more