Are you in touch with your inner Wild Woman?

When people hear the word ‘wild’ many interpret it as living outside of accepted social norms. Such as staying out late, getting drunk and being that embarrassing person who dances on the tables. This is not my use of the word wild.

When I speak of finding your wild side, it doesn’t mean being out of control but rather the original meaning living a natural life that has innate integrity and healthy boundaries. I am referring to your inner feminine power with your intuitive wisdom and confidence. read more

Is it my spirit guide I am talking to?

Who is sending you lovely uplifting messages of love and guidance?

How do you recognise who is speaking to you?  Is it your spirit guide talking to you or perhaps your own soul or a passed loved ones?

Understanding who is communicating with you can help you to understand the message. Each communicator will come with a different feel. Over time you will recognise the different energy between a guide or a loved one, much as you can recognise different people’s faces.

The most important thing is that the message is positive and uplifting. If the message is critical or negative. Do not listen to it as it is most likely your ego speaking to you. Stop the process of trying to discern the message and try again another day. read more