Mindfulness: tips on how to maintain it at work

There is lots of dialogue about being mindful at work but what does this really mean?

For centuries mindfulness was only used in the domain of seekers and monks. However lately in companies around the world it is being used for Training & Development, relationship building and stress reduction.

What simple practices can you undertake to help you in the workplace?

We all need a good way of reminding you to stay in the present moment and be calm in the middle of a hectic, fast pace working day. read more

Spring Greetings

Mother Nature stirs

I love spring time.  It is always a time of great promise.  The days have grown longer, the sun shines brighter and the air begins to warm. Spring is a time of new life; baby animals are born and the plant life stirs from the winter sending out wonderful new greenery.

We humans also respond to the awakening energies of Mother Nature.  It is a good time of year to contemplate where you are in life and what change you might like to bring into your life.  Are there any new projects to start, changed life styles to embrace or a new friend to meet?  It is a time of old chapters finishing in your story of life and fresh new chapters starting. read more