Meditation: Meet the Spirit of the Wood for healing energy

Feel in need of relaxation and de-stressing?

Perhaps your life has challenges such as always being on the go, feeling alone, feeling bored with your life, feeling unloved…..

This meditation will bring you some love and nurturing.

Listen to Alison Wem’s FREE meditation that takes you out into the beauty of an ancient wood. Experience the soothing and re-vitalising energy the trees offer you. Go on a journey in your meditation and meet the Spirit of the Wood. Receive healing energy from your special tree. read more

Mind, Body, Soul: finding health, balance and wisdom

What a wonderful event the Mind, Body, Soul event in Alexandra Palace is this weekend. I spent a wonderful day on Friday with a couple of friends sampling the delights of the event. There are so many things to try and sample with lots of free lectures and experiences. I rate this event highly and it is very reasonably priced. So if you are looking for something to do this weekend give it a go.

The highlights for me were:

Irene Gloux on stand 165 – Spirit Artist

When a medium gives you a message from a passed loved one, have you ever wondered if it is authentic? What better way to check out your message than to ask the medium to draw a picture of who is bringing you this message. Irene, spirit artist and medium, does just this. Do visit her stand -165 and sample it for yourself. My friend had a wonderful reading and a great picture to take home with her. read more