Feeling jaded?: Mother Nature can assist

So often we are so busy with our lives – work, partners, family and friends that we forget to do something for ourselves. I am as guilty of this as anyone else. Since I stepped out of corporate life three years ago, Your Soul Family has been with me on holidays, festivals and family time. I have never been strong with defining my boundaries and I needed to take a look at how I was living.

At the beginning of July my husband suggested a trip to France to look for a new home. France is a large and beautiful country. On previous trips we had narrowed down the areas we were interested in. At the last moment we decided to go camping, something I have not done since my 20s. We bought some kit and the tent only arrived the day before we left. We had no time to practise pitching it before we needed to do it for real to sleep in it. read more

Does life look greener on the other side of the fence?

Should you make the jump to get the other side of the fence and enjoy the new, lush pasture?

In this broadcast Alison Wem gives 3 tips on evaluating whether to make the leap over your fence, whatever your fence is.

Learn to take action from a position of knowledge and wisdom rather than a whimsical desire for change.

Listen to Alison Wem here

If you have a question or want to book an appointment with me, Alison Wem, for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact me Here read more

Mindfulness: tips on how to maintain it at work

There is lots of dialogue about being mindful at work but what does this really mean?

For centuries mindfulness was only used in the domain of seekers and monks. However lately in companies around the world it is being used for Training & Development, relationship building and stress reduction.

What simple practices can you undertake to help you in the workplace?

We all need a good way of reminding you to stay in the present moment and be calm in the middle of a hectic, fast pace working day. read more

Soul Map Foundation Course

Tel: +44 7966 137568  Email: alison.wem@yoursoulfamily.com

6 week evening course to gain more insight into yourself, your soul family and where your life is going.

Sessions open with a relaxing meditation to help remove any tensions from the day. The class undertakes a variety of exercises and Soul Family techniques to develop your intuition and connection with your sub-consciousness, higher self or soul depending on your beliefs.

We call it your ‘inner you’.  Your ‘inner you’ will provide insight about you, your life lessons and your personal wisdom. read more

Once you find your calmness: you will never want to be without it

When you finally address the need for ‘calmness’ in your life, you realise that making time for silence is essential to your well-being.

For example, having driven 1.5 hours to work on fast and busy roads I pause for just a couple of minutes in my car before I go into the office. My team is always surprised at how cheery and energised I am.

Even a brief time of just ‘being’ can re-charge and re-energise you in what is often a hectic working day.

The quality of your thinking returns and your productivity and creativity soar. read more

Women in leadership roles

The UK economy needs two million new managers for it to achieve its predicted growth.

Women could contribute to filling the gap in leadership skills.  The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) has launched CMI Women with the aim of achieving gender equality and to help employers to unlock more value in the UK’s workforce.

In many organisations women outnumber the men at junior levels yet the CMI’s 2016 National Management Salary survey shows just 43% of management roles are held by women.  1.5 million new female managers are needed by 2024 to achieve a 50/50 split between men and women. read more

Changing face of leadership

Changing Face of Leadership

Our world is changing as witnessed by the Brexit vote, the election of Donald Trump in the U.S. and Italy’s decision not to accept the proposal for reform to governance leading to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s resignation.

Mark Carney speaking in Liverpool’s John Moore University warned that people will reject free and open markets unless something is done to help those left behind by the financial crisis and globalisation.

“Globalisation is associated with low wages, insecure employment, stateless corporations and striking inequalities.” read more