Welcome to Your Soul Family

Calmness - Harmony - Wisdom

Alison Wem

Receive intuitive life guidance for where you are in your life. Learn to reduce your stress and achieve calmness for clarity of thought and wellbeing.

About Your Soul Family

Easy to follow steps and excercises to gain insight into yourself to enable you to construct reflective soul art, your soul map, a picture of you and your life.

Your Soul Family Workshops

Gain insight into your life choices to enhance the next chapter of your life. You will receive guidance on increasing your awareness of yourself and your needs.

Your Soul Family Services

Move beyond a challenge to live a happy, contented and fun-filled life

Spiritual Development Guidance

The path of spiritual development can be a lonely one

But it need not be so….

Are unusual things happening in your inner landscape? Or perhaps your perceptions of the world have shifted and you are not sure what it means or if it’s even real.

Talk with Alison to help you to understand your life and spiritual gifts. She will;



  • assist you …
  • Energy Healing session

    A wonderful time to relax and receive well-being and love from the Universe.

    Alison will:

    • re-balance your chakras and your soul will accept the healing you need,
    • assist in the arrival of calmness with inner peace,
    • discuss what you felt and assist you to understand what you body and soul have received.

    60 minute session available over zoom. It is a simple …

    Intuitive Wisdom one-to-one session

    Meet with Alison Wem and discuss your hopes, desires and challenges.

    You are learning much by just living. Talking about your life gives greater clarity on your life lessons and what you have learnt so far. You may also be in the process of learning new life lessons. Identifying them will make them easier to learn and life more comfortable.

    Learn …

    Secrets of Your Soul

    A story of past lives unveils wisdom beyond your wildest dreams

    What wisdom is your soul holding for you?

    A true story of a heartfelt 5,000-year-old struggle for Andrea’s soul to evolve. Experiencing love and loss, tragedy, betrayal and violence but also friendship and kindness – all have made Andrea who she is today.


    Your Soul Family Publications

    Alison moved forward from widowhood to find an inner strength and wisdom she did not know she possessed. She did this through going within for love and guidance, the subject of her soul book series Your Soul Family. Each book guides you in exploring an aspect of you and your life.

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    " Fabulous day at Alisons workshop. I would love to do more. I'll definitely tell friends and family about it."



    " I was surprised how powerful these sessions were. They made me re-think how I viewed my life."



    " Thought provoking and inspiring, the workshop was a breath of fresh air, thank you Alison! "

    Your Soul Family Blog

    How do I help my children to thrive in this changing world

    Our children are often the dearest people in our hearts. We put a lot of time and effort into raising them. We want to know that they can have a good life ahead of them. No matter the age of your children, you never stop being a parent and wanting the best for them.

    What can a parent do to help safe-guard their children?

    By the nature of living in a changing world, the greatest gift for your child to not only survive within it but to thrive, is being flexible. Careers and jobs are no longer for life. Everyone expects to change them in a life time with a possible geographic move thrown in as well. Technology is moving fast and impacting our lives. Those who do not adopt it and take the best from it, are in danger of being left behind.

    Are you being a good role model on flexibility?

    While children are growing up, they tend to love routines and structure. These may well be useful and practical for maintaining a family schedule for times to eat and go to bed. But it is also useful to teach your children that changing the schedule is good if it leads to a better place or their environment necessitates it.

    This is sometimes easier said than done. My son as a child loved his familiar routine. If we went on holiday, he would not change either the time to eat or sleep. It was a nightmare when we might want to stay out later to enjoy an evening walk or a meal. However, I do feel I brought this on myself. When it was just him and me at home, our lives ran better when we followed a schedule. When his baby sister arrived, we did not have this luxury. I still had to take and collect my son from school. The baby had to learn to wait for a feed or to sleep in her push chair if our family schedule necessitated it. My observation is my daughter grew up coping with being flexible more than my son.

    As parents you want to warn your children of the inherent dangers in life. You may encourage them not to talk to strangers when they are little. When they grow older you warn them not to drink too much, to study and work hard, to manage their money carefully.

    In all of this there is a danger you make your children fearful. It is important that they remain as curious about the world around them as they were as a baby and toddler.

    There is a fine line between following your curiosity and safety

    Curiosity keeps you engaged in the world and therefore informed on what may be upcoming in the future. With an understanding of upcoming changes, your children get the chance to consider what it will mean to them and to seek the benefits but mitigate the negatives. This gives them time to prepare and adapt to the changes.

    An example of this today maybe Artificial Intelligence (AI). There is much fear around this topic from the risk of it being abused by powerful people and institutions. If this should happen, many people could be impacted negatively. However, used appropriately AI can bring many advantages to every day people like you and me.

    If all fails, being resilient will help your children to get through any change that faces them. They may have a life plan of what they want to do, but they should be open to changing it. This can be rapid and significant if it is needed. No-one knows what these changes will be. But being able to ride the change is key to surviving and thriving in a new environment.

    The conversations about being flexible, remaining curious and being resilient begin in childhood. However, it is my belief that the most important conversations happen in young adulthood and going forwards. As I said earlier, you never stop being a parent.

    Of course, to be qualified to help your children as adults, you need to be all of these things yourself. It will not assist them if you use the rhetoric;

    in my day……

    Are you in touch with your inner Wild Woman?

    When people hear the word ‘wild’ many interpret it as living outside of accepted social norms. Such as staying out late, getting drunk and being that embarrassing person who dances on the tables. This is not my use of the word wild.

    When I speak of finding your wild side, it doesn’t mean being out of control but rather the original meaning living a natural life that has innate integrity and healthy boundaries. I am referring to your inner feminine power with your intuitive wisdom and confidence.

    A Wild Woman is full of creativity, passion and knowing.

    Historically women have been taught to be restrained, demure and responsible. This has changed with the current adult generation. In some cases, it has led to excessive laddish behaviour as is often the case when something has been suppressed for centuries. But I feel the pendulum is swinging again and women are seeking a middle path where they are in touch with their inner wild feminine to provide a foundation for how they live and find their place in the world.

    How do I find my inner Wild Woman?

    Your Wild Woman can arrive in many different ways. It is about hearing her call and giving yourself the time and space to recognise it, savour and enjoy it.

    For many it can be through a sight of great beauty – sunlight shining through green trees, a wonderful, colourful sun-set, mountains and water draped in wispy clouds. It could also be at key poignant moments in your life such as looking at your beautiful newborn child and their delicate but perfect hands.

    Your wild woman will show herself and you will see her. You will see and feel her everywhere. It does help if you spend time in nature as there are many splendid things to be seen which helps to stir the feeling of your wild woman inside.

    Some small children are natural lovers of nature. Cultural conditioning has yet to influence them. They know they feel good in nature and even on a rainy day will get their wellington boots and stand by the door wanting to go outside.

    Feeling the rain on their skin and splashing in puddles is something everyone should experience and enjoy.

    Your wild woman can come through sound as well. Music can excite your heart and resonate strongly with you. As can the written or spoken word – a story, a poem brings your wild woman to your consciousness.

    The touch of your wild woman can be transient. Here it is and then it’s gone. But you won’t forget her and you will want to seek her out. Being with other people who are similarly, those seeking her or have found her, will excite you to keep going.

    As a psychic, I use all sorts of mediums to receive messages. I love working with stones and crystals. My wild woman reminded me to seek her out by appearing as a wolf on a lovely white stone I owned. She was reminding me that there are many similarities between the wild woman in you and wolves. Both are considered to be devious, sometimes overly aggressive and of less value. In truth, both are deeply intuitive, intensely concerned for their young, partner and family. At the same time, they are playful, sensing and devoted.

    In allowing your wild woman to show herself in your life brings many good skills which can enhance how you live. The world is now ready in many countries to allow women to consciously live with their wild woman. Seek her out and learn to live with her.

    Your wild woman can make a great contribution to a better world.

    Finding the courage to lead the life you desire

    Are you fed-up or dissatisfied with your life?

    The choices you make today give you the life you experience tomorrow and onwards. Sometimes it takes courage to make the choices you know that are right for you.

    Perhaps your decision involves walking away from someone or something which is alright but not great for you. If it was really bad, you probably wouldn’t find it difficult but this grey in- between area is much more difficult. What if I walk away from my partner but never find love again? Thoughts can race around your head and make you miserable.

    Courage is about finding your inner strength to face your fear with confidence.

    Gaining clarity on what you desire makes decision making easier. Do whatever you like to do to clear your head and get perspective on your life. It may be spending time alone in nature or meditating or physical exercise like running. This helps you to hear your intuition more clearly and connect with you soul or guide for advice.

    You are much stronger than perhaps you realise. Making the decisions which lead to a life you desire is not so difficult once you get started.

    For years I was a closet psychic medium. I trained hard for many years. But outside of the home, I never told anyone what I was or the strong spiritual beliefs I held. This was made harder as my partner had said to me – 500 years ago they used to burn people like you! In the end, I decided it was crazy leading a dual life. It made me feel less than authentic. Initially I only told family but when I was accepted there, I went on to tell friends. Work was more challenging as there is always the fear of how going public might impact my career. I chose to describe the way I lived more in terms of my life values and believing in compassion and love for one another. I finally got over that hurdle without being fired. Eventually I became a professional psychic medium. The whole world now knows what I am.

    It does take courage to be the authentic you and to live the life you desire. But I can honestly say, it is worthwhile. You feel happier and there is no pretence in your life.

    Pretending to be who or what you are not, can be so energy sapping.

    It was a journey becoming truly my authentic me. I found taking little steps at a time less scary. I did meet some challenging people along the way. But I also met some wonderful people too.

    Ultimately, I found the courage to make the right decisions for me about my life.

    And you can too….

    Get in touch!

    Telephone:+44 (0)7966137568
    London Workshop Locations:
    London Spiritual Mission, 13 Pembridge Place, Notting Hill, London, W2 4XB
    College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB

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