Irene Gloux: spirit artist

Irene Gloux

Quite naturally when you sit with a medium and receive your messages, you might wonder;

Is this real?  Is this person really receiving information from my loved ones who have passed

A good medium will always try to describe your loved one so you can recognise who it is.  However what better way than to sketch the person who is standing next to you offering you love and support.

Irene Gloux, a talented artist and medium rapidly draws your loved one.  It’s truly amazing!  You get to take the picture home to remind you of your conversation with someone from your soul family.

Sometimes you may not recognise the person and you take the picture away wondering who the person is.  Time often tells you the answer.

Irene tells of a sitter who could not recognise the person in the picture she had drawn. Irene encouraged the sitter to take it home and ask friends and family if they recognised the person.  The answers were No, No, No.  One evening she was outside talking to a neighbour and mentioned her experience. The neighbour was interested and asked to see the picture.  When she saw the picture she gave out a cry and said it was her nephew who had unexpectedly passed. The message Irene gave was very relevant to the neighbour.

It never ceases to amaze me the extent loved ones go to, to send us a message.

Irene doing a demonstration of her Spirit Art at the Mind Body Soul Exhibition, Alexander Palace, London. She created a picture of a person bringing a message to a member of the audience.

You too can learn to draw a picture of the person giving you a message to help you with your life. Here are some examples students have drawn with Irene’s guidance at one of her workshops.


Irene Gloux painted throughout the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown in the Spring of 2020 expressing her emotions in vivid colours. Take a look at her wonderful art in this free e-book and see the transition from the red and orange of fear and uncertainty to the serene mauves and white here

Feeling Your Emotions: hope – inspiration – love was written during lockdown and is a conversation between Alison Wem and her friends who are healers, mediums and a spirit artist but are also husbands, wives, parents and adult children observing and experiencing the pandemic. This is a very international group of friends with 5 countries and their respective cultures represented.

I have sat with Irene and she has given me some wonderful messages. She is fast and accurate with a lovely warm personality.

For those of you who may be more comfortable using the French language, Irene is French and would love the opportunity to speak with someone from her home country.

Want to know more about Irene and her spirit art? Send her a message at She would love to hear from you.

If you would like to book a private appointment with Irene over Zoom, fill out the form below.